Friday, May 27, 2011

Week 2

I didn't know it would be so hard to keep up with my blog! But here we go!
Sunday, May 22nd- I went to church with my host family, they go to an English speaking church...the congregation is small but it was a nice service. I didn't know British English would be so hard to understand sometimes, but it definitely is! Afterwards we hungout at home then went off to Blankenese to see the Elbe River. Unfortunately the was was really crappy so my host family and I didn't stay for very long. Blankenese is where a lot of the rich people live. The houses are beautiful!
Some houses in Blankenese overlooking to Elbe river
Lighthouse on the Elbe River
Hamburg has a huge harbour and many bug ships go down the Elbe river so people who live on it can see these huge freight ships going down it. I want to go there on a bright and sunny day and just sit at the beach and watch the boats go in an out. Also the Airbus industries are located across the river so you can see planes take off too. Later that night I went into Hamburg with Julia. And some random German guy from Heidelberg joined us and he had not been to Hamburg before so we showed him the Harbour, Reeperbahn and the Jungfernstieg area. I got home late that night^^ But it was a good night.

Monday- I walked all over Schenefeld because I had to get Simon from the Kita and then we went to the mall which is the opposite way, we then came home and played a little. Later that night I watched some German news with my host dad, my head was pounding afterwards...They talk so fast I couldn't understand basically anything. I love how you have to walk and you don't really even need a car here. The bus/ subway tickets are expensive though....5,50 euro for a day card....ughh I've spent so much on just going into Hamburg!

Tuesday- I met Julian! He's so much taller than I thought he would be haha! We met at Jungfernstieg at 7 and Phips came along too and we went into Europa Passage and got some food for the movie we were going to see later (Pirates of the Caribbean)...It was even in English! After the movie we all got on the U-bahn and went to a bar in some place I had not been to before...The bar was called Einstein, but there are a few around Hamburg. I got a 2 for 1 Strawberry Margarita, but OMG it was so strong I couldn't drink them both. Julian and Phips are both really nice, so far all the guys I have hungout with are really nice ..but thats only three (Hannes, Julian and Phips). I had known Hannes and Julian for a while before so I knew they would be nice anyways haha. Phips then left us after the bar and Julian was a gentleman and took me back to Altona since it was so late. I later found out Julian caught the last subway into his town...I felt bad! If he would have waited any longer with me he might have missed it=/ But Tuesday was awesome! I had a lot of fun!

Wednesday- I went to H&M to get some jeans since I didn't have any nice ones with me...I thought the weather was going to be a lot warmer than this! I spent like $60 on Jeans...ugh I wanted to puke, I never spend that much. Later that day I went on a 10 km bike ride with Svenja and her gym class she is part of. We went to Kloevenstein (sp?) which is a beautiful park right outside of Schenefeld. There are lots of walking paths and everything. I really like it there. We saw so many deer..It was awesome! My ass hurt so bad the next day though...haha I'm not used to that long of bike rides!

Julia and I
Cecilia and I

Thursday- I met Julia at Altona and then we met Cece at Jungfernsteig where we then went to another H&M and I bought more stuff..UGH! haha Afterwardds we got some sandwiches and sat by the Alster and took some pictures and just talked. It was really nice:) (See pictures above)
There is some E. Coli thing going around here in Northern Germany and in the Hamburg area..and it is coming from Spanish Cucumbers. People say not the eat lettuce or tomatoes either...Funny because ALL of those were on my freaking sandwich. I only ate the cucumbers though because I had heard that no one should eat lettuce or tomatoes. After Cece went home around 2 Julia and I walked to Saint Nikolai Church which is the church you can go up to the top can see the city. So we did that and I got lots of pictures:)
Saint Nikolai Church
Rathaus and Alster Lakes

Julia then had to leave after and I waited for my host dad because we were getting my monthly ticket ready for next week. After we got my monthly ticket we took the subway back home and lucky for us the subway in front of us broken down so we waited on a subway in the same spot for 1 times! haha. Friday my host dad's parents from Bonn and his brother from North Carolina will come in for the weekend. So until then Ciao!

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