Monday, June 6, 2011

Friday May 27th- June 1st

Again it has been so busy here and now I am really behind! Shit. Okay here it goes.....

Friday May 27- My host dad's brother (Patrick) and his parents came here for the weekend. Patrick is actually lives in North Carolina but their parents live in Bonn. That night I decided I wanted to go out with some friends but Cece and Julia were already busy so I choose to go with some au pairs I had not met before that were on a Facebook I am part of. Let's just say the night didn't go how I wanted it to...the girls knew each other to well that I felt left out 95% of the time, and none of them really talked to me unless if it was the usual aupair questions, "do you like your family?" "how many kids are you watching?" "and how long are you staying here?" Let's just say I was ready to leave early that night.... I left around 11:30 but when I got to Altona to get on my bus the bus only went to Schenefelder Platz which meant a 1.5 mile walk home after the bus ride... I really wasn't looking forward to that! I wasn't to pleased with my night in general. But the next night made up for it definitely.

Saturday May 28
BBQ today! Wow it was fun! Lots of good food and I got to meet a lot of my host families friends. Later that night around 8 pm Cecilia and I left the BBQ to go meet Julia at Altona then we all went up to where Cece lives so she could get around and we were on the Reeperbahn an hour later:) BUT Cecilia forgot her ID at her house and she lived to far away to go back and get we did get into a club without it...we got some shots and soon Julia was drunk^^ But then surprisingly I got a phone call from Hannes asking me if we all wanted to go to his friends house to hangout for a while and then go back to the Reeperbahn later that night. So we did and we all left. So we all hungout at his friend Davids for a few hours and drank and smoked some cigarettes (and for the days following my throat hated me for that). Cece and I ironed David's shirts for him....I didn't know I could be so helpful drunk haha. Then at 2 we left for the Reeperbahn and danced in a bar/club until 3:30 or so. It was so damn hot in there! And when we were leaving everyone went there separate ways...lucky for my the freaking bus only went to Schenefelder Platz again so another 1.5 mile walk for Ash. But this time it was light outside as it was 4:30 am! I was home at 5 and ready to sleep!

Sunday May 29th

I only got 4 hours of sleep and I was up...I went to church with my host family again along with the family that was staying with us. The rest of the day was spent just hanging out at home and drinking some more with Patrick....Grapefruit beer is freaking good too! I was definitely ready to sleep that night!!

Monday May 30th
Monday I did the normal au pair stuff but my host dad had the day off since it was the last day with his family that were here for the weekend. Patrick and I went to some stores and got food and beer, it was so nice and warm this day! Later my host dad, his mom, and Simon and I all went to the Elbe Einkauf Zentrum to look is a huge mall! I really liked it but it was really expensive..they even had a Hollister hahaah. We got ice cream too and later we had Raclette which is a popular dish where you melt some cheese and put things on it too and pour it over potatoes....the cheese is so strong though that I didn't like it very much. I am not used to such strong cheese. Also over the weekend we played some major table soccer which was fun!! the guys got so intense! haha

Tuesday May 31st
My host family parents and brother left to go back to Bonn and I had to leave early that day for my first day of Language classes. The first day was so easy as I knew it would be I knew everything we did and Julia is in it which is even better!! The teacher only speaks German and she also uses a lot of hand gestures. There are 11 people in the class but Cece makes the 11th person but she wasn't there the first day because she was sick. There are 3 Japanese, 1 Chinese, 1 Albanian, 1 Italien, 1 South Korean, and Julia and me. Almost all the Asians can't pronounce anything, I feel bad for them! Julia and I will do the best I know. This is all a refresher for me. My throat was still messed up and then I knew it wasn't just from smoking but I knew I was getting sick.

Wednesday June 1
I had language school again today and again it was really easy. I have to miss class on Friday because we are leaving for Switzerland tonight. Julia and I met a new au pair from Ireland after school but I could only stay for about 10 minutes because I had to pack for the trip that night and go get Simon. Simon and I skyped with my mom while I packed. I knew today I was really sick, my ears were plugged too and I was pretty congested. I took an aspirin before the Taxi picked us up at 7 pm. The Airport in Hamburg is really nice and its weird there are so many clothing shops in european don't see that in U.S ones normally. AirBerlin is a nice company to fly with, I will definitely fly with them if I can again. It felt weird packing to go somewhere else when I wasn't at my real home in the first place. I was fine when we took off and while we were steadily at one altitude but then about 15 minutes before we landed there was so much pressure in my ears it started to hurt so bad because I couldn't get them to pop (it was from being sick) and I started to cry. It sucked I didn't even get to enjoy the flight because of how much pain I was in. We then met Mischa (Stephan's cousin that we were staying with) and he took me to a pharmacy at the main train station in Zurich so I could get medicine. It was really nice of him. I hungout with everyone for a bit but then I went to bed because I felt like shit.

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