Saturday, May 21, 2011

First Week in Germany

WOW! One week in Germany already and I have done so many things so far! So I will go day by day with what I did.

Sunday: I woke up at 1 p.m and then ate some and  then Simon had a nap and then after we set out to see some of Hamburg. We also drove by the Kita (Kindergarten) that Simon goes to so I knew how to get there when I was going to begin picking him up. This was the first day I was ever on a subway and when we were on it I thought to myself, "how will I ever understand it?" ..but now I am doing much better! I saw the Hamburg City hall (Rathaus)
Hamburg Rathaus
and the Inner Alster and my language school. We also got some ice cream at a mall called Europa Passage, but my host family wanted me to order my own which I did, but German is so bad! haha All in all my Sunday was a really nice day, but the jetlag was still getting to me!

Monday: Monday was my first real day of having to do au pair work. I had to clean a little and some easy stuff like that. Later I walked to the Kita to meet my host dad so I could meet the daycare people. None of them spoke much English. Afterwards we went to the mall by bus with Simon. It's a nice mall in Schenefeld but people are aloud to smoke outside the stores...I hated that! I also met some of their neighbors by their house. Later we ate dinner and talked about my first time going into the city alone on Tuesday as I was to meet Cecilia!

My language school - "Colon Language school"

My bedroom

Tuesday:  So Tuesday I met Cecilia, I had to get my own day pass for the bus and subway and yikes I was sooo nervous to speak in German to the bus driver! We went into the city and I bought some postcards, Kinder chocolate, and pretzels. Later we sat down at the Rathaus and talked. She is really really nice and I am glad I finally got to meet her! We will have some fun times this summer! We also took the Subway to the Reeperbahn because I wanted to see it in the daylight. We ended up at Schweinskes which is a restaurant thing, and I got my first legal alcoholic drink! haha It was yummy!! We then made some plans to go on the Reeperbahn on Friday and I decided I would ask Hannes and Julian to go too. Overall a good day!

Wednesday: Wednesday I decided I really needed to buy a jacket since I didn't really have a warm one here. But I had no luck in the mall when I walked to it. I later picked up Simon with Stephan I decided I would walk Simon back but Simon soon realized that his dad was beside him and he began to cry but he quickly got over it...thank goodness! I always feel bad when kids cry around me! haha He's a good kid, really cute, and when he says "woof woof" for a dog he pronounces it like "voof voof" hahahah I love it! Us three all then went to the mall and ordered some veggies and fruits from the Turk^^ He's a cool guy haha. Then later that night I received and email on TOYTOWN from an aupair who had just arrived in Hamburg the same day as me. She's from Canada and her name is Julia. She was going to meet me at Altona and then take the subway together to Poppenbuttel to meet Cece at a huge mall there. AND ironically enough she is in my language class too! I couldn't wait to meet her! She was so nice! My host parents also signed me up for classes then for language school Wednesday too.

Thursday: So today I met Julia and Cece and we all went shopping and of course I spent the most! haha Julia is really nice and gorgeous! After Cece left around 3 Julia and I went back into the city and walked around some, we went to Planten un Blomen which is a botanical garden and its HUGE! There is no way I can walk all of it. I hope to meet Julia again soon because she's super cool! Friday was to be the big day for me, as I was to meet Hannes and Julian. SHIT! I had a hard time sleeping for two days because of it...I mean how are you supposed to act when you talk to someone for 1.5 years and then finally meet? haha
Planten un Blomen

The famous Reeperbahn!
 Friday:  Scheisse! What a day Friday was! I picked up Simon for the first time alone and everything went well too. Which was awesome! Then I began to get ready for tonight....Julian was not able to go because he was sick and Cecilia was also not able to go because of other things. So I then invited Julia and Hannes invited his friend Phips. At 7:45 pm I set out and met Julia at Altona and we rode to Jungfernstieg station and walked to the Rathaus where we were to all meet. And so I finally met Hannes. He's just a nice as I thought he would be. Nice car too^^ He decided not to drink that night so he could be the driver. So we all got in and went to a bar on the other side of the Alster called Alsterperle...It's a really cute bar right on the lake with a good atmosphere! I loved it, we just talked and chilled out for a few hours...they bought us some drinks and I had a Beck's beer:) Yummy! At 11pm we went back to the car and drove around the city some then Julia and I drank all the jack and coke Hannes had mixed in the car^^ Yummy too! We then went through the Elb tunnel on the autobahn and then after that Hannes took off with the car on the autobahn going about 160- 180  KM ....thats like 120 mph! haha It was awesome!! I have to say I love his driving haha! We then turned around and went to the Reeperbahn (Kiez) as locals would call it. We then walked to a McDonalds and Phips and Julia got some food and later we went to a bar called Thomas Reid which was an Irish Pub. It was really cool! I drank a Jack and coke, a shot of Sambucca, and 2 Heinekens. Yummy!! Let me say after that I was feeling great!! We all just chilled and talked and Julia and I also went and danced....I noticed the guys here don't just come up and dance with you...Sorta weird compared to the US. I loved the music there because It's music I had listened too that Hannes had sent me a long time ago and I finally got to dance to it, haha. around 3 am we left back to the car and Hannes took Julia and I home. I was in bed around 4 wow! haha I can't wait to go back out on the Kiez or anywhere else with him. His friend Phips is really nice too. He bought us quite a few drinks too. Both are really nice guys! But damn, to have met Hannes yesterday,....haha I was in shock, like I couldn't believe it! And I still can't believe it! I went to bed super tired that night, but and awesome night though!
View of the Alster from Alsterperle

Hannes and I..finally we meet!

Julia and of my Canadian friends!
Saturday: Saturday was a rough day with only 4 hours of sleep because I woke up at 9 am soo freaking thirsty! haha I then got around and we went to a shoe store for Simon and then to a store called Famila which is a really cool store, I love the German food here, sometimes my stomach doesn't agree with me but I am getting used to eating bread basically everyday haha. I like the bread though.We then came home and chilled out for a while and Stephan helped me with my numbers in German and then one of Svenjas friends came over and we all went to a park outside of Schenefeld...I swear we walked like 4 miles! Then my allergies got the best of me too. When we came back we had a little BBQ out back which was cool. Overall a nice chilling out day:) Tuesday I will meet Julian and we will watch the last Pirates of the Caribbean in English together at the Cinema:)

So there you have it all! Enjoy this long one! I will try to do it more often so I'm not stuck here for 2 hours typing this! Tschuss!

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