Thursday, April 28, 2011


So last Thursday I left for Florida with my mom and brother to meet my German host family. My family left from the Indianapolis airport. My brother was nice and decided to stay up all Wednesday night at the hotel we were at in Indy and talk on the phone, which meant no sleep for everyone else. We left for the airport at 4 and arrived at 4:30. Our flight to Sarasota left at 6:30. The flight was really nice and I absolutely love flying! When we got our baggage and rental car I called my host family and told them we arrived. We then set out to find the condos we were staying at (my host family were also at these condos). When we arrived and we met my host family it was really nice and not awkward at all. It felt like we had known them for a long time, which in reality I had been talking to them for 8 months already. I really like my host family, they are super nice and I am very lucky I think!

So on Thursday we went out to eat lunch with my family and then Simon needed a nap so my mom, brother and I set out for the beach. I absolutely LOVE the Gulf, the water is so much bluer and prettier. Later that night we all made dinner and ate together again drinking wine and beer and talking, it was a really nice time. On Friday we all went to the beach in the morning and then set out for Busch Gardens in Tampa, it's a really nice amusement park! I really enjoyed it and there was a lot of shade so none of us got really burnt. Stephan, Svenja, Austin and I rode a raft ride together where we all got wet, it was awesome! ^^ 

On Monday my mom, brother and I went to the beach and around 2 Stephan, Svenja and Simon met up with us and we all drove to a nicer beach in Siesta Key called Turtle Beach. We all went swimming and played in the water, that water was so nice!  I love siwmming:) Later that night we came home and went out to eat with my host family.
On Sundy it was Easter and my host family has family around the Tampa area so they spent Easter with them. My brother, mom and I decided to go to Treasure Island which is a beach near the Tampa area. We had to drive over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge which goes over the Tampa Bay....It was so high and bridges are not a favorite of mine so it kind of freaked me out! We spent the whole day there and saw 2 people get stung by baby stingrays, which then made me not want to swim in the water anymore. When we went back to the condo we just spent the rest of the night relaxing as we had to get up early for our fishing trip on Monday. On Monday we all disembarked on a Fishing trip in the morning out on the Gulf. We had a lot of fun, and we all caught some fish:) We even spotted a dolphin! It was nice to relax and I don't think any of us had sea legs we had a hard time standing still, haha. After fishing we all went back to our condos which were actually almost next to each other and my mom and I went swimming down at the pool while everyone else took naps. Later that night we had a BBQ which was pretty nice and we then sat around enjoying every ones company:)

On Tuesday my family left for home, so we said our goodbyes to my host family, I am so blessed to have met them before Germany, I don't have any worries..I never did have any worries either:)  So now I have 2 more weeks until Germany! I can't wait to see them all again! Simon is so cute!!

1 comment:

  1. They are a wonderful family. We are blessed to have met them, and you are blessed to be part of their family for 3 months. But still, I am really really going to miss you.
