Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 weeks to go!

Hey everyone!
I have 5 more weeks to go and they can't come soon enough. I am so ready to be done with school and work. Only one more full week of work and 4 more weeks of school! CRAZY!

So much has happened since my post from last week. I am now good friends with 3 other girls that are/will be au pairs this summer to Germany. I cannot wait to meet them! I met Cecilia who is in China as an au pair on Toytown! I advise everyone to join this site if you are going to go to Germany! Cecilia and I will both be in Hamburg, so we can hangout which I can't wait to do! I met Cassidy through Interpals, she's really awesome! We've had some pretty good Skype chats together and many more to come I am sure! :) Cassidy also has a blog you guys should check out, she keeps up on her blog better than I do^^                       <------Follow her!! She's awesome!

There is also a girl named Bianca! I haven't really had the chance to talk to her yet, but she does seem really cool! I can't wait to meet all these girls! The only bad part is Bianca and Cassidy will live in Munich and Cecilia and I will live in Hamburg. Both awesome cities! But both sooooo far apart! So how do we fix this!!! We plan a weekend trip to Cologne! Cologne, Germany is basically the halfway point for us. So hopefully in mid- June we can all meet! YAY!

Last night Cecilia, Cassidy and I had a pretty nice skype conversation. It's cool to know there are other people out there looking for friends before they move to a different country. So if anyone out there feels alone and thinks they are not going to make friends, join a penpal website or something like this! I promise you will make a friend!

I also met a girl named Kathrin who is from Germany! We met on Interpals, and I have already sent her a letter in the mail. She is really nice and hopefully we can meet while I am in Germany:)

Okay I also have a few more websites to share:
 This website is for international youth and students. For $25 you can purchase an International Student Identification card or a youth card. I ordered mine last week. On this website it shows places where you can get discounts at museums for example. I even found a discount for a certain airline, but I can't remember which airline it was. But I recommend you guys get one, it's not just for Germany. You can use it in any country.

Another handy website for people who want to learn German is a site called:
This website is sooo handy! You girls have to use this site! Make sure you make an account when you start the  "german interactiv" part. So you're work can be saved and you won't have to start over! I love this site!

So I have almost everything finished up for my University I will be attending in August. I have my classes scheduled and my loans ready... College is soooo expensive ugh!

I also had some time to think about how much I am going to miss my 2 dogs. They are my best friends, my little babies, which in the end caused me to cry. I honestly do not know how I am going to manage without them. I love my dogs so much and 3 months without taking them for walks, car rides, cuddling with them is gonna kill me.

Also for those of you who have an itouch or iphone! I found some pretty awesome app's for Germany! If you want to know what they are just let me know!

Sorry if my posts are boring! I try to be exciting:D  

2 weeks until Florida! I can't wait to meet my wonderful Host family there!!


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