Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week more month left.

Hey guys/ girls!

Not much has happened over the past week, just school and work mostly. I have 4 more days of work! How crazy is that! after over 1.5 years of working and I am almost done! Not going to lie though, I am looking forward to being done, I am ready to move onto bigger and better things. Traveling and other cultures is where my heart is at, not in a clothing store. I only have 3 more weeks of school, YAY! I am almost done at this boring a lifeless college and moving onto a University:)

So over the past week I have met more people through Interpals and other friends. It's cool to know other au pairs, because it's like we have our own tight circle of girls that talk and share stories about our days and things we are nervous about. I feel like I have known Cecilia, Cassidy, and Bianca for more than just a few weeks. I love the group we started on Facebook, it can share things with eachother and no one will know about it:D

Cecilia leaves for Hamburg on Wednesday, and that is also the same day I fly to Florida with my mom and brother to meet my host family. I can't believe April 20th is almost here! I have been waiting and waiting! My host family made to Florida yesterday, it's kinda hard to believe we are now in the same time zone and only like 1,000 miles from me and not over 4,000 miles away anymore. I have had some pretty good convos with Cecilia, I really like her, I am so glad she sent me that message on Toytown, It's nice to have another girl in Hamburg with me! Cassidy and Bianca are also awesome girls! I think we all have a good bond that will last a long time!:)  Cass and Bianca are now the Munich Munchers and Cecilia and I are the Hamburg Hamburgers:D

Cute and Catchy huh? :D:D

So last night Bianca gave us another au pair website I will share with you :  ---I have only been on this site a few times now, but I would still join it, because you could join a forum or group for the city that you live in.

I realize now that I need to start cleaning my room and getting everything together, because I have so much stuff to organize, especially for college, and my mom will go psycho if I don't get it done soon.

Well that's all for this week! Goodbye everyone:)

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