Monday, June 20, 2011


SHIT.....I am almost a month behind...I am not happy about this! So I need to take the time right now to catch up! This will be a post about my time in Switzerland.

Thursday- June 2nd

Swizz Cow ;)


Lake Zurich and where the mountains would be if you were able to see them
It's so pretty here! Although the whole day we couldn't see the mountains, you could see the hills in front of it. Stephans cousin Mischa has a really nice apartment too:) So today we set out to see some of Zurich. Lake Zurich is pretty, the water is green and really clear. It wasn't so nice outside, like it was really dreary out and stuff. But the transportation is really good, they have buses, trams, subways....but it is so damn expensive. Also it was a pain to always have to have change to get a ticket for the transportation. I think Hamburg's transportation is a bit easier. We walked around the old and new part of Zurich. The buildings were so beautiful with so many colors and some had designs on them. We ate at a typical swiss restaurant...really good food! Later that day Mischa longtime friend came and joined us to show us around. She is really nice, I liked her a lot. I was still basically deaf and sick all day but I made the best out of it. I didn't want to spend the trip inside all day. The city was so pretty! 

Friday- June 3, 2011

We woke up early to leave for a town called Luzern. We took a train through the countryside and then spent a couple hours in Luzern, but again it was a cloudy day and we couldn't see the mountains.
Swiss countryside


My host mom and I


The hills in front of them we could see though and those are also pretty! Luzern is an old town and beautiful! We took a boat across Vierwaldstattersee (Lake Luzern) to a spot called Birkenstogg and took an old fashioned cable car up the hill. It was so steep!
Lake Luzern

Lake Luzern

Lake Luzern
We then ate at a restaurant and hiked some to a lift that took you up to see Lake Luzern. I wish we could have seen the mountains. It would have been magnificent!I was so happy to be there though, even though I was sick, it was beautiful either way.
Lake Luzern

Lake Luzern

Me, Svenja, Mischa, Miri and Simon

Chocolate Cow!

Lake Luzern
You could hear the cow bells in the distance and Stephan and I joked about stealing a chocolate cow.

Saturday- June 4, 2011
We took a train to Uetliberg which is a nice place to see all of Zurich. We couldn't see the mountains again but the sun was shining enough to see Zurich below. We then hiked for a bout 2 hours up and downhill with the stroller...OMG it was so heavy! But fun! After we made it up to the top we had a Panoramic view of Zurich while we were eating at a restaurant. Really nice!


View from my host families aunt and uncles apartment.

View from the restaurant
We then took a cable car down later and took the tram home. We all went to bed early that night. I think when I come home to Ohio I will have huge calves from all the walking I do hahah. I just wished I wasn't sick the whole time and with all the different elevation going up at down my ears were hating me. I was debating on paying for a train ticket to go back to Hamburg when we left, because I knew it would be painful to take the plane. But again and awesome day!

Sunday- June 5, 2011

My last day in Switzerland. We got up and Miri came over and we walked around since it was finally SUNNY! I could see the Alps! You have no idea how happy I was! It was so beautiful and I was in Aww! People were just chilling by Lake Zurich and swimming in the lake and we got some ice cream and sat by the water and looked at the beautiful scenery. I can only imagine how wonderful it is to have a picnic there, or see the mountains in the winter time. It is so picturesque.
Lake Zurich with the Mountains in the back

Loved this!

Bye bye Switzerland <3
I want to so back at some point! We then headed back to the apartment and got our luggage and left for the main train station and then onto the airport. Mischa and Miri came with us to the main station and we all said our goodbyes. I really liked them and I am so happy I met them. We got some airplane pressure earplugs for me which I put in before we took off. Everything was going so good until about 5 minutes before we landed in ears had been releasing pressure the whole time until we started descending, then the earplanes making my ears pop and it got to plugged up and painful I started to cry. When we landed I waited 5 minutes and then took them out and I literally could not hear anything. Then every time I swallowed my left ear would pop so painfully then plug up again, I wanted to scream it hurt so bad. I had never had that much ear pain in my life. For the rest of the night my ears popped so bad and I couldn't do anything about it. I got home and went downstairs and cried and cried and laid down some to see if it would help....I later came upstairs to eat and then went to bed.

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